Saturday 11 April 2015

The me frame

John 3:30 “He must increase and I must decrease.”

This bar graph partially illustrates how we must decrease and Jesus must increase in our life. The brown bar represents us/me and the green bar represents Him/Jesus. The x-axis that is labelled as “Devotion time” shows some of the activities that we do so that we can help ourselves to decrease whereas we can show Him in full in our life. When we are no body who is full of ourselves, we do really do nothing to show Him may be we might work even harder to be the centre of everything. It’s human nature, the old Adam.

When we are introduced the love of Jesus and start spending more time in pray we start realizing that we need Him in our life, then fasting, worshiping and other things like bible study, fellowship and etc. will give us a better chance to show Him more in our life. The dramatic increase will come when we start really knowing Him. Yes, it’s a process and it’s the result of the combination of all the others that help us to know Him. Knowing him is just like knowing who He is by being with Him in every aspect of our life. Then we will start showing Him in every aspect of our life. In our home, with our families, in the school, in work place, in the store, in our holiday time, in our up and downs, when we are in the valley or on the mountain, in the church or outside of the church we start to decrease ourselves and increase Him. This is to say that our devotion will not be limited to a specific time and place. We will be devoted to Him at any time and at any place.

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